Hidden TreatureDrinking Fountain

Margret Siu

Living Spring Children's Home( LSCH ), a drinking fountain, where whoever comes shall never thirst as the deer pants for streams of water.  The first time I ever experienced to get so close to a group of students from a different world.  One on one, hand by hand, together we ate, together we played, with whom are the innocent groups as ever.  Although some are not innocent at all, perhaps they experienced brokenness and distress more than we did.

An encounter with children without moms and dads makes me upset.  Indeed, children forsaken or lost by their parents need “love” and “comfort”.  When they saw familiar and trustworthy adults, they stretched out their arms for a hug and hold our hands with babbles at once.  At first, I responded unnaturally, and even laughed at my timidity.  Sometimes I got no clue at all, with a seeming gap between us because most of them are used to expressing their emotions by body language.  Luckily, I know that they befriended us in such a way to truly seek people’s acceptance.  Please listen to them when they follow you to sing and shake their bodies.  Despite their past of street life or being forgotten and lost, they were called together to get acquainted with themselves and connect with others from a new perspective, out of their disabilities like autism, cerebral palsy, mental distress, psychosis or many other unknown plights.  It is a great blessing to these lives whom God saved from storms by this shelter, which provides them with a home and “love”.  

I am grateful for the children because of the staff and volunteers who left their comfort in Hong Kong but stepped on a path of Christian loving care.  They offer their hearts and labour to take care of the children’s daily routine.  They hover like moms cuddling their children in their bosoms.  They teach to fill up their knowledge gap, and help them develop independent thinking to reintegrate into public community.  More importantly, they take heed to their deep-down inner wound and accept those twisted lives. Oh, Lord!  You love them and hear the cries of the petitioners.  Open their hearts to realize the discipline of love and stop counting their own defects.  But give them divine help from above.

When I ponder on my touch to the hands of  LSCH  children, on the whipped and abraded body, though the tormented mind is unnoticeable, I pray that Jesus will touch their hearts and become the comfort of grievers.